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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • Please read it, Post RE- OP 21 Days.
  • 2017-11-15 hit.25,052
  • Writer : Lee**

Reason for Surgery 

The reason why I chose to have surgery at EU is because my appearance kept degrading after my initial surgery. I was convinced that there would be no better place to get my 

revision surgery than here. Although plastic surgery is medical, I realized that the apperance depends a lot on the style and ability of the surgeon. I came to visit Doctor Kim Jong-yun, 

who is the most compatible with my aesthetic standards.He had long term experience at a big plastic surgery clinic and is an expert on facial bone surgery so I felt safe to get surgery. 


I had my initial surgery at a plastic surgery clinic in Busan. I didn't think that I had an ugly face but I wanted to become more handsome. I felt that my cheekbones protruded a bit 

and I wanted to improve the bump on my nose. However, going to that plastic surgery clinic was my biggest mistake... I learned that the surgeon didn't have a lot of experience. 

It started effecting my life every single day. My cheekbones were fractured too much which resulted in a severe staircase shape. It became a bigger issue on my self confidence

and my jaw angle did not get reduced into a smooth line and I could feel how rough the jawline was with my hands. I had some confidence with my looks when I went to the plastic

surgery clinic, but it became the opposite now. There are a lot of clinics that do facial contouring surgery. 

However, I heard that getting facial contouring surgery at an Oral & Maxillofacial clinic is the safest option, which I found out after my initial surgery. I had to consider which clinic I 

would get my revision surgery at. I researched through the internet every day and went on cosmetic surgery community sites and talked with several people online to collect

information. But, there were too many brokers on the online community website which made me suspicious so I had to find out everything on my own. I met up with people who

actually had bad experiences at plastic surgery clinics and started collecting information. Here was my conclusion: 

1. Get surgery at an Oral & Maxillofacial Clinic. 

2. Surgeon's Experience

3.The surgeon has to understand the aesthetic that I want

If these three things fit together, I thought I wouldn't have another failed operation. 

Also, plastic surgery clinics lean more towards aesthetics than medical aspects of surgery but at EU, not only the pictures but also the videos of patients before and after results 

were available to the public which is what made me trust them. In fact, I used to look at pictures from other clinics half-heartedly since most of them were heavily edited. 

However, looking at patients who were smiling brightly in EU's videos made them seem really happy and they were pretty. I thought "this is it" and made a decision. 

This was the reason why I chose EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. 

I went through hell every day due to the plastic surgery clinic in Busan which made me realize something. 

If the surgery went wrong, the patient would be held liable. In the patient's view, not only do they lose money

but also their health and they have to live with the pain of their botched results. 

I want to warn everyone to make a careful decision when choosing a clinic. Not all surgeons are skilled. 

Before Surgery

The cheekbones at the back... the shape is too severe. 

The surgeon told me that time was medicine... which was not the case. :( 





You can see the rough jawline and a bump sticking out....

It wasn't shaved smoothly........


This is my ID picture... you can see that the cheekbones are lumpy and protrude too much...

I had a hard time due to my initial surgery and had to be very careful with my second surgery.

10/25 Post OP: 1 Day


I received revision surgery at EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. 

My right cheekbone was advanced outwards and was re-positioned. 

I received a T Osteotomy.

The bump on the right side of my jaw got removed. 

The left side of my buccal fat was remove to match the right side. 




10/26 Post OP: 2 Days


My face didn't get as swollen as I thought it would. When I got surgery at the clinic in Busan, my face was so 

swollen that I thought it would explode... At that time, I thought it was due to my body not being able to handle

the surgery since the clinic made it sound like everything after surgery is due to the patient. 

Not only does my body feel better than my initial surgery, the medical care was also much different which made me realize again

how important it is to choose a proper hospital. Also, before and after surgery, the staff at EU were always smiling brightly to me before and

after surgery. Dr. Kim always checked my progress with me thoroughly as well. 




10/28 Post OP: 3 Days


I woke up and my face didn't feel hot. There wasn't any additional swelling on my face either. I was told that my face would keep increasing 

for the next 2~5 days but that was not the case for me . As soon as I woke up, I practiced walking around. After my light exercise, 

I consumed pumpkin extract and a light snack as a meal. I started consuming tomatoes starting yesterday. 




10/29 Post OP: 4 Days


I slept for a long time. The swelling near my neck has decreased a lot, maybe it's because I feel comfortable. My face is swollen so I made sure to use an ice pack and I also took a walk. I want to thank Dr. Kim again since my recovery is going better than my first surgery. The staff were very kind which is also why I want to show them a better result soon. I ordered too many pumpkin extracts so I drank about 10 packs of it yesterday. I want to see my results quickly so I will make sure I go on walks frequently, for 3 hours a day. 




10/30  Post OP: 5 Days


Through online blogs, I learned that with a T-Osteotomy, bruising can appear near the mouth. 

However, I only have a slight bruise under my jaw. I bought a new pressure band so that I can use it 

while I exercise. The central lining and balance of my face got much better. 




10/31 수술후 6일차


I think my swelling has stopped increasing. I walked in a faster pace today and I feel that my swelling reduced. 

I don't care if there are other people outside and walk around just fine. I feel that my progress is getting better but my face is

still swollen so I have to use the pressure band. I am looking forward to my final results. To make sure the swelling gets better

I've been consuming pumpkin extract and bananas for my meal and avoid salty foods. 




11/01 Post OP: 7 Days


​I got the stitches for my cheekbone surgery removed. I'm doing light exercises for my swelling to get better. 

Since I have an important plan next week, I hope my face won't be too swollen. After my daily walks, I can tell that my swelling has decreased. 



11/02 Post OP: 8 Days


My swelling has decreased a lot. I still have some swelling under my jaw but I think it will get better next week. 

As long as I take care of myself, I think my swelling will decrease enough for my plans next week. 



11/03 Post OP: 9 Days


I did a cold compression as soon as I woke up. 

I think I don't have any severe swelling left. I'm doing aerobic exercises so that I can sweat. 

Whenever I eat outside, I don't care if other people look at me or not. 




11/04 Post OP: 10 Days 


I had pumpkin extract as soon as I woke up and did light exercises after. 

I can see that my swelling has decreased a lot. I attend two gyms, one in the morning and one at night. 




11/05 Post OP: 11 Days


Because my swelling has decreased a lot, I don't feel uncomfortable without the pressure band. 

There's still some swelling below my jaw but time will be my medicine. 

My recovery has been going well so I plan on meeting my friend in 3 days. 




11/06 Post OP: 12 Days


Today, I exercised at the gym for 4 hours and 10  minutes. 

I exercised thoroughly by training my stamina and until I started sweating a lot. 

My swelling decreased which was visible. Since I attend two gyms, I'm thinking of going to the gym

at 5 a.m in the future. I am still using the pressure band just in case ^_^.



11/07 Post OP: 13 Days


I must have pushed myself too much when I exercised yesterday as I couldn't ride my bike properly. 

Which is why I decided to walk as an additional exercise. It seems that walking has a different type

of de-swelling effect. Tomorrow, I am meeting my friend and I am curious how they will react when 

they see me. 




11/08 Post OP: 14 Days


I met my friend today. They couldn't recognize that I had surgery. 

They just said I seemed to have gotten more handsome, but they couldn't put their finger on it.

The amount of time seemed too short for me to have had surgery, and I had no swelling so maybe that it why.

I doubt I would have had such good results if I had gotten surgery somewhere else. 




11/09 Post OP: 15 Days


I lost so much weight due to trying to exercise to de-swell. 

I'm planning on eating a lot for a week. The fact that I had facial contouring surgery is not noticeable and natural. 

Of course, I still have some swelling left but the bigger swelling is gone. From now on, I think if the 

remaining swelling decreases, my face shape will be more defined. I have a very important meeting

tomorrow and I don't think I will have any problems. 



11/11 Post OP: 18 Days


My mouth still feels a bit awkward due the the swelling that is left. 

Other people couldn't tell that I had surgery. I met an important client

for my company and I had no difficulties. This would have been impossible if

the surgery didn't turn out well. 


11/13 Post OP: 19 Days


After proceeding my daily activities outside, I find it hard to eat properly.

That is probably why my swelling is decreasing slowly. The swelling seems to decrease

depending on how much effort I put into it. I think I need to take care of myself more 

starting next week. I still try to exercise whenever I have time. 




11/15  Post OP: 21 Days


Nowadays, I consume mostly soft foods since I cannot eat solid foods yet. 

I'm not taking any extra measures to de-swell so I still have some swelling left. But whenever

I take selfies, my face looks more natural than before. If I had my first surgery at EU, I would

have had better results. It's a shame that I found out about EU later, since my results

are nice and natural. But I'm glad I found out about the clinic. ^_^


I am really satisfied with my results after surgery. 

​To anyone who is thinking about getting facial bone surgery, I recommend you get your surgery done at EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. 


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